Aug 4, 2009

Our weekend; Farmer's Market, Fort Peck

Sailing with our boss in Fort Peck, MT
This is me concentrating really hard on steering the boat (Mike Iba would yell at me when we zigzagged. It felt like home) Mike and Jess in the background. The Ibas (my boss) are wonderful people who invited us to their lakehouse for the weekend.

More steering and chilling

Land ho

Waterskiing at Fort Peck, a little terrified
Then I got the hang of it (Mike and Peggy)

When you waterski, everyone in the boat watches you the whole time. It's embarrassing so I laughed a lot.

Jess didn't waterski. Jess drank beer.

Peggy Iba, my boss, pictured here was at one time the "best skiier on the lake"

Drive up to Fort Peck, baaaadddddlannnndssss and straight roads

Farmer's market
Jess, Cal and Erin at the Farmer's Market

One of my favorite families I've met in Glendive, the Tennants! They make cinnamon buns and fry breads every saturday during the farmer's market and are super involved in foodie stuff here. The kids are awesome.
Jess talking with the Tennants, behind them you can see one of our hoop houses

The Farmer's Market is held right in front of where I work, the Prairie Development Center or PDC - here it is pictured. That's a powerplant next to a wealth of organic food. Let's not talk about it.

Cole Germann, the superintendent's son, came by one night and taught us how to "jitterbug". He trains horses in western North Dakota and sleeps on our couch sometimes. He's taking us shooting soon and said he would teach us how to ride in his free time! Oh, Cole, you cowboy you...(we have the same size feet)


  1. Does he have two arms or one? Dancing lessons from a horseman are uncommon! Take all lessons offered.

  2. Umm definitely two arms, the stirred me around like a "cuckleffle" or however you spell that yiddish word. Who left this!?

  3. Cal: Your Papa Ken would be hysterical about your learning to shoot and wearing a cowboy hat. I think he is kvelling from up above.
    BTW, it's kochleffel . . . koch means cook and leffel means spoon . . . a spoon one uses to stir while cooking! Yiddish is such fun! Kvelling means SMILing brightly.

  4. It was your madre ole who left the message about the arms and the dance lessons.

  5. Great pics! You look great on water skis. And I never yell at you when you zig zag. Waiting for more blog entries. Speaking of which, saw Julie & Julia. I loved it. Mom says she didn't, but she did.

